Friday, June 10, 2011

Should we stop thinking and caring for those people who don’t think or care about us?

Should we stop thinking and caring for those people who don’t think or care about us?

This question suddenly entered my mind while I am preparing for my upcoming Mass sharing this Sunday. As a philosopher I may say that Yes we should stop thinking and caring about them. What benefit can you get from caring and thinking about people who donnot love you in the first place? But Am I being so selfish in doing that or am I just being practical and logical about that. Well a good relief because I also studied Theology (from a prestigious university near the University of the Philippines). Jesus said in the gospels Love your enemies (Luke 6:27). Well if thats the case, should I ask Jesus this, Lord Should I also love people who donnot love me but do not fall under the category enemy? Am I to Love people who shows no concern about me. But Life is unfair, Sometime the people whom we enormously love doesn’t even understand and appreciate it. But isn’t that the experience of Jesus with us? He loved us so much that he died in the cross and yet some people around him didn’t recognize it. Well I will not go to far as what the Lord did but what I am saying is that “MAYBE HE WANTS US TO FEEL THE SAME FEELING HE FEEL ABOUT US” THE FEELING OF BEING Forsaken. Well now I kind a understand Chiara Lubic (founder of the focolare movement) in his theology of Jesus forsaken.

So Next time we feel that we are forsaken always remember that Jesus is forsaken as well. But he didn’t give up.

So My Answer is No.. well maybe for now Yes.. I don’t know...

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